MyFinanceFuture Planner

  • The Planner is an online financial projection and analysis service for personal financial plans.
  • The Planner displays lifetime financial projections for individuals and couples, calculated using three types of customer planning inputs: current finances, future financial decisions, and general assumptions about the future.
  • To use the Planner you must be a private individual, aged 18 or over, and resident in the UK.
  • The current version of the Planner can be used by customers aged 18-75 but is primarily intended for customers aged 40-70 who want to explore choices for funding their retirement.
  • The Planner is available in two consumer versions: a free Basic version for quickly creating outline plans and a Premium version for building detailed plans. See below for more details on each of these. Note there is also a Pro version designed for use by Financial Planners, Coaches and Guides - if you are in one of these roles, do contact us for more information on Planner Pro.
  • The Planner's content, projections and analysis are intended to help you build your own financial plan but the Planner doesn’t input your plan or make planning decisions for you - you are responsible for your plan and for any subsequent implementation steps.
  • The Planner is offered by MyFinanceFuture Services Ltd, an information services company located in the UK.
  • The company is wholly owned by MyFinanceFuture Ltd, founded in 2020 by Richard Squire, James Arbuthnott and Richard Lister to provide tools and information to enable individuals to take control of their financial futures.
  • The founders between them have over 80 years' experience in financial services and technology, building on this to create the MyFinanceFuture Planner.
  • We are independent, allowing us to focus exclusively on meeting the needs of our customers – we aren’t financial advisers and we’re not connected in any way with any providers of financial products.
  • We are a UK consumer business, regulated by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) – we don’t provide any financial services or products that fall within the regulatory scope of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
  • We can be contacted here.
  • The Planner is a digital cloud service implemented as a web app that connects to a server hosted on the internet.
  • The app is accessed through a standard web browser on a device with a broadband internet connection.
  • Updates to the app are automatic: the latest version is always accessed when the customer logs on.
  • The Planner includes help content, a planning guide and an email-based help facility.
  • All content is in English and suitable for UK residents only.
  • The Planner runs in recent versions of any of the most common, vendor-supported web browsers - we recommend using Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Apple Safari.
  • The Planner runs on a wide variety of devices, although we can’t guarantee compatibility with your specific combination of web browser, operating system and device - please see the Basic and Premium sections below for further guidance.
  • User access is controlled by a verified email address and password.
  • All data is encrypted in transit (between our server and the customer device) and at rest (when stored on our server).
  • All data is held and used in compliance with UK data protection laws (UK GDPR) as described in the MyFinanceFuture Privacy Policy.
  • MyFinanceFuture Services Ltd is registered with the UK Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) with registration number ZB413864.

Planner Basic

  • Planner Basic is the simple, free version of the Planner.
  • It enables you to create a Quick Plan* – a simple outline plan - in just a few minutes so you can quickly view some initial results. If you like what you see, you can easily upgrade to Premium and build a personalised, detailed plan.
  • Please find a list of Basic features here.
  • Planner Basic runs on devices of any size from mobile to desktop.
  • You can use Planner Basic as soon as you have registered for an account on the website and verified your email address.
  • You can close your account at any time by contacting us – either use the Contact Us feature in the Planner or send us an email.
  • * To keep things simple, Quick Plans offer a limited number of inputs and use many default values, some of which will not be right for you. You can change any of these default values if you upgrade to Premium.

Planner Premium

  • Planner Premium is the enhanced, paid version of the Planner.
  • Planner Premium is built on the same calculation platform as Planner Basic and offers access to enhanced features in two key areas:
    • Full Plans: a much more extensive user interface that allows you to build detailed, personalised financial plans which make full use of our calculation platform.
    • Extended Results: a more comprehensive projection with a broader range of analysis features, enabling you to explore the projection of your Full Plan in detail.
  • Please find a full list of Premium features here.
  • Due to the sophistication and detail of the features, Planner Premium is designed to work on a device with a larger screen and keyboard input: we recommend a laptop or desktop. Once you have built a Full Plan, you can also view a simplified set of projection results on a mobile device.
  • If you have an unusual combination of browser, operating system and device, please check compatibility before upgrade by reviewing a Demo Plan (see below).
  • We expect to continuously improve the Premium features over time and welcome feedback from Planner customers on what new features they would like to see.
  • Planner Premium can be used by individual UK residents aged 18-75 but is primarily intended for customers aged 40-70 who want to explore choices for funding their retirement.
  • Planner Premium is more suitable for customers who:
    • want to plan their finances over their lifetimes
    • have some knowledge of common financial products
    • are comfortable with taking their own financial decisions
    • currently have some assets or investments.
  • MyFinanceFuture aims to support as broad a range of customers as possible, but Planner Premium doesn’t currently have the range of features required to support some groups of potential customers, including those who:
    • are age 75 or over
    • are experiencing debt management issues
    • are dependent on means-tested state benefits (such as Universal Credit), or expect to be dependent on them in the future
    • have significantly reduced life expectancy (less than age 75)
    • are in ill health (and so would qualify for additional rights and benefits, such as early access to pensions).
  • We strongly recommend that you try out Planner Basic before upgrading to make sure that Planner Premium is right for you. You can do this by:
    • creating and editing some Quick Plans, which will give you an initial feel for how the Planner works.
    • reviewing some of the Demo Plans, which are view-only samples of Full Plans that allow you to experience the Premium features of the Planner. You can explore input items in every section of these plans and view all the results features, although you can't save any edits to them.
  • Planner Premium gives you access to the Premium features of the Planner for a fixed period of time. Our initial offer is for a 1-year period, but we may offer other subscription periods in the future.
  • Planner Premium must be paid for in advance using a debit or credit card through our payment provider.
  • To access Premium features you need to have a Planner account, which gives you access to Planner Basic. You can use the Premium features as soon as you’ve clicked through the Upgrade dialogue in the Planner, placed your order and successfully paid for your subscription. By placing your order you also agree to our latest Terms & Conditions and for us to give you immediate access to the Premium features.
  • The normal 14-day UK statutory cooling-off period applies, but Planner Premium is treated as digital content so you will lose your statutory right to cancel and receive a refund once you start using it. We will normally consider your usage to start from when you have run your first projection of a Full Plan, so if you notice a problem while inputting your first Full Plan, please contact us so that we can help you solve it (or arrange a cancellation and refund if you prefer).
  • Once you have starting using Planner Premium, your access will continue to the end of the subscription period, but there are some exceptional situations where you may have (or be given) the right to terminate early and receive a refund - please read the Planner Terms & Conditions.
  • We want to help you create the best financial plan for you, so if you have questions about Planner Premium or are unhappy about any aspect of it, please let us know and we’ll try to put it right. The best way to contact us is to use the Contact Us form in the Planner, or on our website.
  • We want you to feel in control of your relationship with us, so we do not offer auto-renewal of your Premium access. We will remind you about expiry of your access before reaching the end of your subscription period and offer you options to renew for further periods.
  • If you don’t wish to renew your subscription, your Premium access will expire and you will revert back to Basic access at the end of your current subscription period. You will still be able to access your Full Plans on a view-only basis.
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