Build your own, personalised financial plan

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Premium Feature Highlights

Build your own, personalised financial plan
  • Set out your current financial situation in detail
  • Include financial and life events planned for the future
  • Choose how and when to take your pension
Review all aspects of your projection
  • Cashflow, assets & liabilities, income & expenses
  • UK taxes (Income Tax, NICs, Capital Gains Tax, Inheritance Tax)
  • Contributions to and withdrawals from savings & investments
  • Detailed and summary views
Explore a broad range of options
  • Explore different ways to take your pension and your pension income options
  • Specify different investment types and asset classes
  • Select contribution and withdrawal strategies
  • Look at using home equity to fund retirement & later life
Test the resilience of your plan
  • See effects of higher inflation and/or lower investment returns
  • Experiment with unexpected expenses or life events
  • Create multiple scenarios
  • Adjust your plan to respond better to adverse situations
Explore ways to reduce your tax bill over your lifetime
  • Review taxes projected for each year of your plan
  • Identify unnecessary tax that could be reduced or avoided
  • Try different approaches to reduce your lifetime tax bill
Plan for your legacy and reduce inheritance tax
  • Review your projected legacy and inheritance tax bill
  • Try out strategies to reduce inheritance tax
  • Find the right balance between gifting in your lifetime and gifting from your legacy
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Premium Frequently Asked Questions

What is Planner Premium?
  • Planner Premium is the enhanced, paid version of the Planner.
  • Planner Premium is built on the same calculation platform as Planner Basic and offers access to enhanced features in two key areas:
    • Full Plans: a much more extensive user interface that allows you to build detailed, personalised financial plans which make full use of our calculation platform.
    • Extended Results: a more comprehensive projection with a broader range of analysis features, enabling you to explore the projection of your Full Plan in detail.
  • Please find a full list of Premium features below.
  • Due to the sophistication and detail of the features, Planner Premium is designed to work on a device with a larger screen and keyboard input: we recommend a laptop or desktop. Once you have built a Full Plan, you can also view a simplified set of projection results on a mobile device.
  • If you have an unusual combination of browser, operating system and device, please check compatibility by reviewing a Demo Plan using Planner Basic (see below).
  • We expect to continuously improve the Premium features over time and welcome feedback from Planner customers on what new features they would like to see.
Is it suitable for me?
  • Planner Premium can be used by individual UK residents aged 18-75 but is primarily intended for customers aged 40-60 who want to explore choices for funding their retirement.
  • Planner Premium is more suitable for customers who:
    • want to plan their finances over their lifetimes
    • have some knowledge of common financial products
    • are comfortable with taking their own financial decisions
    • currently have some assets or investments.
  • MyFinanceFuture aims to support as broad a range of customers as possible, but Planner Premium doesn’t currently have the range of features required to support some groups of potential customers, including those who:
    • have already started taking pension benefits
    • are experiencing debt management issues
    • are dependent on means-tested state benefits (such as Universal Credit), or expect to be dependent on them in the future
    • have significantly reduced life expectancy (less than age 75)
    • are in ill health (and so would qualify for additional rights and benefits, such as early access to pensions).
  • We strongly recommend that you try out Planner Basic before upgrading to make sure that Planner Premium is right for you. You can do this by:
    • creating and editing some Quick Plans, which will give you an initial feel for how the Planner works.
    • reviewing some of the Demo Plans, which are view-only samples of Full Plans that allow you to experience the Premium features of the Planner. You can explore input items in every section of these plans and view all the results features, although you can't save any edits to them.
How do I get started (and how do I stop)?
  • Planner Premium gives you access to the Premium features of the Planner for a fixed period of time. Our current offer is for a 1-year period, but we may offer other subscription periods in the future.
  • Planner Premium must be paid for in advance using a debit or credit card through our payment provider.
  • To access Premium features you need to have a Planner account, which gives you access to Planner Basic. You can use the Premium features as soon as you’ve clicked through the Upgrade dialogue in the Planner, placed your order and successfully paid for your subscription. By placing your order you also agree to our latest Terms & Conditions and for us to give you immediate access to the Premium features.
  • The normal 14-day UK statutory cooling-off period applies, but Planner Premium is treated as digital content so you will lose your statutory right to cancel and receive a refund once you start using it. We will normally consider your usage to start from when you have run your first projection of a Full Plan, so if you notice a problem while inputting your first Full Plan, please contact us so that we can help you solve it (or arrange a cancellation and refund if you prefer).
  • Once you have starting using Planner Premium, your access will continue to the end of the subscription period, but there are some exceptional situations where you may have (or be given) the right to terminate early and receive a refund - please read the Planner Terms & Conditions.
  • We want to help you create the best financial plan for you, so if you have questions about Planner Premium or are unhappy about any aspect of it, please let us know and we’ll try to put it right. The best way to contact us is to use the Contact Us form in the Planner, or on our website.
How do renewals work?
  • We want you to feel in control of your relationship with us, so we do not offer auto-renewal of your Premium access. We will remind you about expiry of your access before reaching the end of your subscription period and offer you options to renew for further periods.
  • If you don’t wish to renew your subscription, your Premium access will expire and you will revert back to Basic access at the end of your current subscription period. You will still be able to access your Full Plans on a view-only basis.
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Detailed Premium Features List

Plan Management  
Create Plans
Copy, Rename, Set Active & Delete Plans
Multiple Plans
Quick Plans (Mobile & Desktop)  
Family: Individual, Married / Civil Partner, Children
Home: Main Home & Mortgage
Other Property / Net Assets / Income: Total Value & Income
Savings & Investments: Cash Savings, Taxable Investments, ISAs, DC Pensions
Earnings: Current Employment & Retirement Date
Spending: Current & Retirement
DB Pensions: Current & Future Income / Lump Sum & Pension Date
Default Values  
Workplace DC Pension Contributions, In-Payment Pensions, Future Pension Options
State Pension, Child Benefit (First Child), Retirement Spending
Contribution & Withdrawal Strategies for Cash, Pensions & Investments
Inflation, Returns & UK / English Tax Assumptions
Switch to Full  
Populate Full Plan with Quick Plan Inputs & Default Values
Review Process to Accept / Edit Default Values
Full Plans (Desktop)  
Married / Civil Partner
Cohabiting partner
Specify life expectancy (for self & partner)
Assets & Debts  
Current Main Home
Current Mortgage on Main Home
Current Second / Additional Homes
Current Mortgage on Second / Additional Homes
Specify Individual or Joint Ownership and Ownership %
Home Disposal (Sale / Gift)
Move Home (Downsize)
Early Mortgage Repayment
Retirement Interest-Only Mortgage
Equity Release (Lifetime Mortgage)
Rental Properties  
Current Residential/Commercial Rental Properties
Current Rental Income & Maintenance Expenses
Property Disposal (Sale/Gift)
Current Buy-to-Let Mortgages
Business Assets  
Current Business Assets, Dividend Income & Disposals
Specify Assets Qualifying for BAD Relief (CGT) & Business Relief (IHT)
Other Assets & Debts  
Current Personal Valuables
Current Household Assets
Asset Disposal Options (Sale / Gift)
Current Unsecured Debt Balance (Overdraft / Personal Loan / Credit Card)
Early Debt Repayment
Earnings & Pensions  
Current Primary Employment / Self-Employment
Multiple Employments / Self-Employments
Future Changes in Employment (Promotions / Downshifts / Career Breaks)
Workplace Defined Contribution (DC) Pensions  
DC Pension Contributions from Earnings
Specify Net Pay / Relief-at-Source / Salary Sacrifice
Specify Pensionable Earnings / Qualifying (Auto-Enrolment) Earnings
Workplace Defined Benefit (DB) Pensions  
Deferred Workplace DB Pensions
In-Payment Workplace DB Pensions
Active Workplace DB Pensions
DB Pension Contributions from Earnings
Additional Voluntary Contribution (AVC) Schemes
DB Pension Benefits  
Use Own Pension Quotation
Automatic Benefit Projection for Active DB Pensions
Specify Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) / Final Salary basis
Options for Commuting Pension Income to Cash Lump Sum
State Pension Deduction
AVC Scheme Linked to DB Pension for Tax-Free Cash Rights
State Pension  
State Pension
Savings & Investments  
Account Types  
Cash Savings
Taxable Investments
Personal Pensions/SIPPs
Pension Flexible Income Drawdown
Savings & Investment Returns  
Default Returns & Savings Rates
Specify Investment Asset Allocations & Returns
Specify Savings Rates
Specify Investment Fees
Contribution & Withdrawal Strategies  
Contribution & Withdrawal Approach for Cash, Pensions & Investments
Specify Cash Emergency Fund & Withdrawal Buffer
Set Contribution Limit to Show 'Spend vs Save' Behaviour
Select Investment Contribution & Withdrawal Strategies
Select "Bed & ISA" Transfers from Taxable Investments to ISAs
Prevent Discretionary Investment in Pensions Above the Lifetime Allowance
Use Available Personal Allowance to Reinvest DC Pension funds
Pension Options & Allowances  
Early Pension Withdrawals (using UFPLS)
Specify Pension Allocations (to Tax Free Cash, Flexible Income Drawdown, Guaranteed Income (Annuity) and Taxable Cash Lump Sum)
Switch from Drawdown to Guaranteed Income (Annuity) in Later Life
Specify Protected Lump Sum / Lifetime Allowance
Specify Transitional Tax-Free Amount / Lifetime Allowance Previously Used Amount
Specify MPAA Already Triggered
Other Incomes  
Child Benefit  
Child Benefit
Guaranteed Incomes (Annuities)  
Lifetime Pension Annuities
Purchased Life Annuities
Specify Annuities (Single/Joint, Level/Escalating, Purchase Rate)
Other Incomes  
Current Taxable Income
Multiple Incomes
Future Incomes
Non-taxable Incomes
One-off and Recurring Incomes
Specify Income Durations
Current Expenses
Retirement Expenses
Multiple Periods at Different Expense Levels Pre- and Post-Retirement
One-off and Recurring Expenses Linked to Life Events
One-off and Recurring Cash Gifts
Economic & Tax Assumptions  
Default Inflation, Return and Tax Assumptions from Official Sources
Override Default Inflation Rates
Override Default Investment Returns & Savings Rates
Override Indexation of Tax Allowances, Limits & Thresholds for Possible Future Policy Changes
Apply Marriage Allowance
Reinstate Lifetime Allowance & LTA Charge to Reflect Possible Future Policy Change
Specify Brought-forward Annual Allowances for Pension Investment
Default Tax Assumptions Based on UK / English Tax Rules (not Scottish income tax)
Calculate Projection  
Calculate Deterministic Projection for Lifetime Income, Expenses, Assets & Debts
Calculate Lifetime Investment Contributions & Withdrawals Based on Selected Strategy
Calculate Lifetime Taxes (Individuals & Partners)
Calculate Inheritance Between Partners
Calculate Legacy
Tax Calculations  
Income Tax  
Earnings & Property
Savings & Dividends
Pension Tax Relief, Allowances & Charges
High Income Child Benefit Charge
Residential Finance Costs Relief
National Insurance  
Employment Class 1A
Self-employment Classes 2, 4
Capital Gains Tax  
Residential Property (with Private Residence Relief)
Business Asset Disposal (BAD) Relief
Stamp Duty (SDLT)  
English / N Irish SDLT on Downsized Home (not Scottish LBTT / Welsh LTT)
Inheritance & Estate Tax  
Spouse/Civil Partner Exemption (on first death)
Estate Value Calculation
Annual Gift Exemption & Potentially Exempt Transfers (PETs)
Downsizing Addition
Business Relief
Successive Charges Relief
Estate Tax (Income & Capital Gains)
Review & Analyse Results  
Charts (Desktop)  
Summary Lifetime Expense Funding Projection
Detailed Expense Funding Projection
Assets & Debts (Lifetime view in Basic)
Income, Expense & Taxes
Contribution & Withdrawals
All Cashflows
Charts (Mobile)  
Summary Lifetime Expense Funding Projection
Assets & Debts (Lifetime view)
Metrics & Analysis (Desktop)  
Overall Plan Value including Shortfall & Legacy (Lifetime view in Basic)
Overall Income & Expense Metrics
Key Question Feedback
Suggested Next Steps to Investigate Shortfalls
Detailed Year-by-Year Chart Data Table
Summary of Plan Inputs
Metrics & Analysis (Mobile)  
Lifetime Shortfall Feedback
Help Centre
Planning Guide
Demo Plans
Email Technical Support
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